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Sold By: CBS house of foods
CBS was established by Buhlebenkosi Ostlea Nyathi in 2008.
It has diversified from being a distributor of other players’ brands into the FMCG chain to being a manufacturer of its own brands. The pioneering brand is Izankefu is a traditional, naturally fermented milk product specifically and intentionally made from organic dairy cows. This hit is not only full of great taste but it is original and one of its own kind. Just what we are here for!!!! Cream and whey liquid are bi products of Izankefu. From the cream CBS makes a mouth watering butter called Dairy – Gold Butter. Again no other butter tastes like it and pleasantly customers not only feel the same, but are full of love for it.
With the whey CBS makes a nutritious and unmistakable kids toy drink called Popsi Cool. CBS uses the colors and flavours that remain from this toy drink to flavor and color organically grown maize corn to make a delightful snack called Mamdluli’s colored Maputi. This irresistible fiber filled snack brought the traditionally lowly maputi into the high end market and is enjoyed by the old and young alike.
Izankefu is a Ndebele word that refers to the thick like Sadza curds of fermented or dried milk. Over time the visionary noticed that whilst everyone was sold out to the taste of Izankefu not everyone appreciated the thickness. In a bid to cater for everyone’s needs CBS developed a compromise called Ihiqa again a Ndebele word that refers to fermented milk in its semi processed state in terms of thickness.
Ihiqa has been made so affordable that the Izankefu fan can use it to dilute their Izankefu but best of all , our valued fans that cannot afford Izankefu can enjoy Ihiqa. The superior taste of Ihiqa makes it a favorite with consumers that favor a smoother textured fermented milk.
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