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Punk Jacket and Hoody Jacket
Maio Fashion
Maio pronounced (Mayo) Fashion is a vibrant, energetic unapologetic brand no matter your age..It does not care for your age but how you feel inside and once you choose Maio the difference in you is clear.Maio demands a spring in your step, and a positive attitude
We have beautiful fabrics that you would like to walk in and live in.
Easy to wear garments for those who like casual wear, and easy to dress up pieces for certain occasions. Picnic, holiday,casual, formal pieces,events are all here..
We believe in glamour but not at the expense of comfort.
We stock unique jackets, trousers,dresses,outfits in most sizes, that say
Dare to be different!!
Dare to be you
If you feel it then Maio is for you!
Each piece is created to arouse ones senses. We like being odd instead of fitting in.
Challenge your fashion taste and get ready for a new journey. with Maio
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